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 介護の取り組み 遠隔コントロールの実験

Approaches to Caregiving—Experimenting with Remote Control 

遠隔でサポートするには電話だけではできないことが増えてきます。 まるで隣に座ってココだよと指でしめしてあげる感覚を実現したいと思って研究しています。

To provide remote support for the elderly, it's becoming increasingly challenging to rely solely on phone calls. I'm researching ways to recreate the feeling of sitting right beside someone, gesturing and saying, 'I'm right here,' as if physically present.


As a final form, a stuffed animal is equipped with a camera and a laser pointer. Considering that older individuals may not want a PC at home, I aim to develop a caregiving device—such as a stuffed animal or any other suitable object—that can be placed in their homes. 


Progress So Far




To prevent older ones from wandering in the street, the system calls out when they open the door. Rather than using artificial sounds, could recording a son's or daughter's voice make it easier to trigger a response?  

The idea of a stuffed animal calling out is a possibility.

Zoomコミュニケーション オートメーション

Windowsのスケジューラーにバッチファイルを作って予定を登録しておくと、自動的にその時間にセットした Zoom ID に繋げることができます。 

Recommended for those who have difficulty setting up Zoom calls: Create a batch file using Windows Scheduler and schedule it to automatically connect to the set Zoom ID at the designated time.


If we register commands on the server side, we can control access, so we'll continue refining it to enable even finer control in the future.
Using TeamViewer for remote access is convenient.


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